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Increase your turnover: start selling online

Online sales boom

The e-commerce phenomenon continues to grow, even in Italy. And it does so year after year, peaking during the Lockdown period when people, unable to go out, bought everything online.

More and more Companies and Brands are deciding to start selling online for the first time, thus creating an e-commerce to sell their products to network users.

Not only online: in most cases, those who set up an ecommerce business set it up alongside their physical store.

Selling online by opening an e-commerce business, however, is not as easy as it sounds. If you are not supported by professionals who can guide you through all the essential steps, you may fail before you even start.

When you decide to open an e-commerce business, the first thing to do is an analysis to fully understand your market, your Customers and your Competitors.

The second step is to decide on the business model: who will be your customers? Will you sell directly to consumers (B2C) or to businesses?

Then there is all the bureaucracy involved: you need a VAT number, as well as registration with the Chamber of Commerce and the Business Activities Desk in your municipality.

Warehouse or dropshipping?

This decision is also important before starting. Will your e-commerce have a warehouse, in which to collect products for sale? Or will you just forward orders to manufacturers and wholesalers?

Then it is the turn of the actual brand, which has to be recognizable and appreciable so as not to “disappear” amidst the multitude of Brands already on the Web. It needs an impactful name, a strong image and powerful communication .

Finally, at this point, you can create your e-commerce.

Here, too, the choices are varied: from the platform on which to create it, to the menu, to the products to be included, to the clicks needed to lead the Customer to purchase without too much difficulty. Getting any of these parameters wrong could render your Online Shop virtually useless.

Your e-commerce should then be filled with products with quality photos and videos. A product that looks “shoddy” because of a poorly taken photo will never be sold. In addition, to increase the likelihood of selling online it must alsobe enriched with content, and thus with texts aimed at convincing customers to buy your products and, at the same time, aimed at improving SEO and thus your site ranking.

Once your e-commerce is ready, in order to make it visible and findable by Web Users, at least at first it will be essential to invest in Web Marketing Campaigns and ads on Google and Social.

It is clear that selling online pays off and allows you to increase Customers and sales and reach people that, with the physical store alone, you would never reach. To make it effective, however, it needs the support and backing of professionals in the field capable of achieving great results in a short time.

If you would like a consultation for your new e-commerce, please do not hesitate to contact us!


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