Calls and Vouchers |

I4.0 Cuneo digital voucher call with grant contribution

Get a digital fresh start with up to 50 percent non-repayable subsidy thanks to the I4.0 Digital Voucher Call for Proposals

La Cuneo Chamber of Commerce, as part of the activities under the National Enterprise 4.0 Plan, following the March 12, 2020 decree of the Minister of Economic Development approving the “Punto Impresa Digitale” (PID) project, intends to promote the Dissemination of digital culture and practice in enterprises, of all economic sectors through the economic support to digitization initiatives with the I4.0 Digital Voucher Call for Proposals .

Many calls promoted for the year 2020 and posted on the Cuneo Chamber of Commerce Website

These include the I4.0 Digital Voucher.

This, aims to support Cuneo businesses in supporting current expenses and/or investments in the area of web marketing and the Internet. Concrete help in the post-Covid-19 restart phase.

A contribution of 50 percent of the expenses incurred is made available to companies in the province of Cuneo (a prerequisite).

These are expenses for consulting services aimed at introducing new technologies. Or, development of web marketing campaigns carried out in the period from February until December 31, 2020

The purpose is to enable entrepreneurs, professionals and businesses to develop projects aimed at introducing new technologies and new business models.

To enter the digital world through targeted and effective Web consulting, services and strategies. This, to look to the future with a new optimism and the right tools.

The 00UP Agency of Mondovi invites you to view the I4.0 digital vouchers – Measure B: support for innovation and digitalization, which makes available to each Company in the Territory a voucher equal to 50% of the expenses incurred for a maximum amount of 5,000 euros (50% of an expenditure of €10,000.00 or more) and minimum contribution of 1000 euros (50% of an expenditure of € 2,000.00).

We are at your complete disposal with communication and digital marketing programs and tools (web marketing campaigns, geomarketing, film production, digital storefronts, etc.) that will allow you to enter the digital world while saving 50 percent of the total expense you will face.

Contact us for a free project evaluation and how to apply for the grant.

00up support